Rick Szymczyk
Founder, Upstartz Energy Ltd & VP Engineering, eCAMION Inc
Rick W. Szymczyk, P.Eng, MBA, Upstartz Energy, is an experienced engineer with a long history in the development of Electrification and Energy Systems in both the Automotive and Energy industries. One of Mr. Szymczyk’s most recent successes involves leading a technical team that resulted in development and patenting of eCamion’s Energy Storage based EV Charging technology. He has also had a successful career at General Motors Canada, where he served for many years that included leadership in Electric Vehicle Controls, Energy Systems, Manufacturing and Innovation. Some of Mr. Szymczyk’s accomplishments include his leadership of the first generation Chevrolet Volt Controls team and advancement in the area of stationary Energy Storage which resulted in the first deployments of Energy Storage systems for General Motors representing over 15 years of Electrification experience.
More recently, Mr. Szymczyk consults across the industry also serving as VP, Engineering for eCamion’s Energy Storage based EV Charging system in close collaboration with academic and industry partners.
Having obtained his Bachelor of Systems and Electrical Engineering at Carleton University and later his Masters of Business Administration at Queens University, he has an interest in complementing his technical contribution with developing expertise that will help prepare the next generation to meet the challenges of the future.
Mr. Szymczyk has written multiple patents for technologies that include Electric Vehicle Controls, Stationary Energy Storage and Electric Vehicle Charging systems. He has an ongoing interest in helping others realize the potential that Electrification represents.